Ignispkg, is a Slackware package database that arises due to the needs to find an easy way to handle packages with their dependencies and aims to facilitate the creation of modules for Ignis or Porteus.
The simple way to download everything you need is achieved by queuing everything you find in a list that you can later download.
Download consists in a Script generated by Ignispkg that when is executed begins with the download of the packages as well as the generation of the modules to integrate them with Ignis or Porteus.
Thank you for use Ignispkg

F.A.Q Ignispkg 1.0

Please follow the following steps in order to use Ignispkg:

Step 1: Search

The first step is add packages to My Queue, Searching or looking into Menu section, notice that you can't add a package with a diffent version if it's already in the list, so you should remove it first from My Queue in order to add a new package version.

Step 2: Comprobation of My Queue

In the list you are allow to make a comprobation, reviewing and comparing your packages with your actual Ignis or Porteus Version that you are using.

Step 3: How to use the donwloaded Ignispkg's Script

Move to folder where is the Script then open-terminal-here to give the execution permits to this Script:

chmod 755 [script name].sh

./[script name].sh "to execute your Script"

Notice that Script is wrote in SH (Shell Script) and you can take a look into this file.

Step 4: Scripts Options

It's your elections what is convenient to you. There are 4 different options so you could review your Queue list, Download, convert and activate your packages.

Step 5: Disclaimer

It's your responsibility what are you downloading or placing in your (Ignis or Porteus) so try to don't break your system :) and go always safe using wisely your knowlogies in order to evade failures with Modules creation.

Avarible repositories in Ignispkg

RepositoriesPackagesLast update

with 15015 packages recorded